This is my remix that I did for the Think Trance Records / Metta & Glyde 'Celestia' remix competition in December 2023. Winners were announced in February 2024.
Sadly, I didn't win but we are permitted to upload our remixes to our platforms as a free giveaway. So please, help yourself, I hope you like it.
Remix Background
Some details about this remix you may be interested in. When I submitted my interest in this remix, I was given a pack of files containing the original track's MIDI (the musical notes for melodies) and a selection of audio samples used in the original which I could choose whether or not to include in my remix.
One of the audio samples in the pack was the female vocal sound which to me stood out as the key element to use in my remix; the sound which the whole track should revolve around. I think it's fabulously atmospheric and just sounds gorgeous. So, I really wanted to make a feature of this sample.
I wanted my remix to be drastically different to the original. With Metta & Glyde's original produced at 140bpm in a traditional "Uplifting Trance" format, I decided to slow my version down to 135bpm and present a more tribal, tech, progressive sound.
Within the MIDI pack I mentioned were the chord progressions for the atmospheric backing synths. The timing of these chord progressions was across eight bars - which I felt was too short to give prominence to the progression and development of the chords. So, I doubled their length across sixteen bars which really helped to highlight the beautiful changes in the chords. What this also did was have the effect of slowing the pace of the track. The original I feel sounds somewhat frenetic, this remix of mine just slows everything down and brings out fundamental elements of the track which I felt were perhaps not given the prominence they deserved in the original.
Lastly, the most notable difference between mine and the original is that I haven't included any of Metta & Glyde's main melody. As with the chord progressions, the main melody was across eight bars. Having doubled the length of the chord progressions the same needed to be done with the melody, which just didn't work, so I decided to leave it out altogether. However, in doubling the length of the chords and producing them with an ethereal string instrument I felt they sounded commanding and prominent, so decided to continue with them as the lead instrument and melody.
There you go, a few insights into my mindset and production techniques when creating this remix. I haven’t set out to offend anyone, music is subjective, we’re all entitled to our opinions.
The track was produced, mixed, and mastered by myself and I'm very proud of it. I hope you like it too.
Rodman x