The story behind this tracks is that Sonia reached out to me on email to ask if she could provide a guestmix for The Trance Empire. I said that guestmix slots for TTE are reserved for producers that have been supported on the shows but that if she had any productions she should send them across for consideration of being played.
Sonia then went on to send me four of her tracks. Although none were quite right for me to support on The Trance Empire shows, one of the tracks did catch my attention, as I felt it had a similar sound to that of the classic Push anthem 'Universal Nation', that track was of course 'December 22'.
I though that I could do something with it and so offered to provide a remix for Sonia, who gratefully accepted. The remix itself didn't take me too long to produce and I was quickly playing it on The Trance Empire Saturday shows. It also found its way onto my Blinding Lights Vol 1. mix compilation and thus I named the remix Rodman's Blinding Lights Remix.
Needless to say Sonia did get her guestmix for TTE and we've been good friends ever since. She's a regular on our YouTube premiere live chats and is nothing short of an absolutely lovely girl for whom I have great admiration.